Wild, untouched and lonely - one of the last large, almost untouched natural areas in Europe



Day 1: Arrival

Arrival or flight to Oslo, transfer / collection from the airport by Tomdo Adventure to Nornäs / Dalarna to the Schweden Aktiv Resort.


Day 2: Canoeing into the wild

- Breakfast

- Canoe tour in the wilderness with campfire and stick bread.

- Start to Lofsdalen

- Drive across the fells

- Outdoor camp set-up / dinner




Day 3: 450 kilometers through central Sweden

- Breakfast

- Start towards Gäddede. Travel time approx. 6 hours (approx. 450 km).

- Around 5 p.m. outdoor camp set-up including outdoor cooking


Day 4: Departure to the Sami

- Breakfast

- Start through southern and central Lapland to the local Sami families. Drive over gravel roads and small side streets past wild rivers and calm lakes. Short breaks to enjoy nature and the view.

- Arrival in Ammarnäs

- Outdoor camp with dinner from the fire pot



Day 5: The life of the Sami

- Breakfast

- Approx. 10 a.m. excursion adventure with the Sami. We take a traditional boat to an original seed village.

There we get to know the traditional life of the Sami.

- No change of place. In the evening, we can let the experience end in the rustic atmosphere of a Kota or around the campfire directly on the river.


Day 6: The fjäll

- Breakfast

- Today you can book additional tours with the Sami or take us on a tour of the fells. The tour will take you into the habitat of moose, reindeer, arctic foxes, ptarmigan and wolverines ...
Wait and see!

- 4 p.m. departure to Piteälven. Now we are into the outback.


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Day 7: The Piteälven

- Breakfast

- Today we enjoy the completely untouched nature around the Piteälven. There are lakes, extensive forests and of course the impressive animal and bird life.

- Fishing and collecting is a big topic today! We will only get our dinner from nature.

- No change of camp, dinner according to consultation and success :-)


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Day 8: Off to the real north

- Breakfast

- Departure to the Muddus National Park. Travel time about 2 hours.

- Either camp set-up and chilling on the beautiful river with trekking options or an extensive tour through the Muddus National Park.

- Outdoor camp and dinner


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Day 9: Direction: South

- Breakfast

- Start south. Approximately 6 hours drive to Lövberga.

- Overnight in an outdoor camp on the lake.

- Dinner


Day 10: Civilization

- Breakfast

- Start to make the last 450km.

- At the afternoon arrival at the Schweden Aktiv Resort! You will look forward to a warm shower, a nice get-together in the Kota or - depending on the weather - a dip in the warm lake.

- We finish the tour together and look forward to nice conversations.


Day 11: Departure

- Breakfast from 9:00 a.m.

- Departure and farewell, you can of course extend your stay for a few days and stay at the Sweden Active Resort.


In the event of activities being canceled due to weather conditions, we will of course endeavor to provide a replacement program.
If this is not possible, we will not reimburse individual events due to force majeure.




2 nights in the Sweden Active Resort, 2-4 bed rooms

On the tour overnight in Tippi tents. Tree tents & wilderness huts at an additional cost



Included in the price:

2 nights in the Schweden Aktiv Resort, 2-4 bed rooms with shower / toilet

8 nights in Tippis. Tree tents & wilderness huts at an additional cost

Full board breakfast / lunch and dinner

Transfer Airport - Schweden Aktiv Resort, Transfer Schweden Aktiv Resort - Trysil

German / English speaking tour guide during the entire stay


Trekking tour in Muddus National Park

Sauna evening

Relax in the hot tub


Not included in the price

Arrival by air

alcoholic and unnamed beverages



Price for a ride in our vehicles:
1,499,- € p.P. Adults

350,- € p.P. Children up to 12 years


Price for self-drivers:

750,- € p.P. Adults

150,- € p.P. Children up to 12 years


DATES 2022

Dates on request










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Navigieren mit einem Profi Rally GPS

Navigieren mit einem Profi Rally GPSAngeln in unberührter NaturAngeln in unberührter Natur

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Navigieren mit einem Profi Rally GPSAngeln in unberührter NaturAngeln in unberührter Natur

Navigieren mit einem Profi Rally GPS

Navigieren mit einem Profi Rally GPS